Streamax hang on filter SMX550

Hang on filter 550L/Hr

SKU: SMX550 Category:


Streamax  Power Filter : SMX550

Power : 6.5W

QMAX : 600L/Hr

Recommended aquarium size : 76L – 114L

To help maintain a healthy aquarium, change filter cartridge every 3-4 weeks, or if water flow becomes obstructed. Remove cartridge when medicating water as carbon will absorb medications.

4 Stage filtration system

  • Mechanical filtration : The filter floss strains out suspended particles.
  • Chemical filtration : The activated carbon in the filter cartridge helps absorb undesirable odors, pigments, and chlorine.
  • Biological filtration : The bio cartridge helps promote the growth of aerobic bacteria that convert harmful waste products, such as ammonia.
  • Aeration filtration : Water flowing through the filter is aerated, adding necessary oxygen for increased fish activity.

